Vintage Speedway.

FLORIDA. Speedway in the US is something else than in Sweden . With hundreds of thousands of fine old US cars imported to the Swedish street scene Worldkustom suggests  this in your next container .

speed2Never mind regulations, regalement, inspections and pointing fingers. Import a husky. Honestly my friend . How much time do you spend in your street legal 50’s car  during a summer really ?

_DSC6179Well, I know we are the best in the world that really go with our classics but some of my vehicles I drive a total of 10 hours in a summer .

I idle around McDonald’s  some 20 laps on a  warm evening . Next time. Why not import a crazy monster and sit ten hours on full throttle for a change.

speed1Hill climbes are now available just about everywhere . Honk the horn and go  and if  the horn fell of in the last corner floor it anyway and be happy.


Build a neat trailer. Gather your friends.

Load a classic race car with V8 and open headers.

Go sideways and smile  all the way.





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