The 13 year old Chevy

This 1958 Chevrolet Bel Air two-door hard top was purchased by a 22 year old guy in 1967. He still have it  by Kent Åberg. Translation Ellen Kay.


58gThe guy went down to Hudiksvall to buy this two-door Chevy in 1967. You can only imagine how proud he was steering it back home.

American cars in everyday traffic were nothing unusual even if this picture is taken a few years earlier at the Taxi office in Iggesund.
58fAt the time for the purchase it looked more like this in Hudiksvall. hudiktaxi2 Our car enthusiast drove it for four years until 1971 when the engine broke down and it was parked behind the house amongst pine trees and miscellaneous junk. Since then, it hasn’t moved an inch. 58dThe trees have widened and the branches works as a comforting and protective cover against weather and wind.

58aThe car was 13 years old when parked for the last time.

58e Many have asked if the Chevy is for sale but they have all received the same answer. What it was should be obvious since the car is still parked in the same spot underneath shielding branches, just smelling flowers.



Kent Åberg

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8 thoughts on “The 13 year old Chevy

  1. Mycket intressant artikel må jag säga.
    En liten korregering är väl att bilen har flyttats av mig från granen till under tak.
    Renovering påbörjad då det är en hel del att göra

  2. Jättekul med en korrigering Hasse och vilka goda nyheter. Lycka till med jobbet.

    Very cool with your update Hasse and what good news that you, the owner, have moved it inside and started a restoration. Good luck Hasse.

  3. Den första bil jag åkt i! Oktober 1969 från Östersunds BB. Otroligt glad och stolt över att Hasse har tagit tag i Chevan så den får leva vidare.

  4. Tänkte skriva varför! alltså, det kändes som slöseri av vacker bil…….Men känner att det kom av sig, på grund av de goda nyheterna i kommentarerna :)

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