Obama – Call Sweden

Obama, nice of you to check up on us in Stockholm. Now that you have found us maybe you could.. call Fredde Reinfeld and double check if what I write has some truth to it. 

If you live in USA three consecutive months a year you get to meet a lot of Americans. They are funny, friendly, talkative and sometimes asks about Sweden. About our taxes, health care and education. Sometimes we talk Fahrenheit, Celsius, crowns and dollars. They nod in understanding, have heard it before and the conversation flows perfectly. Then we reach a conversational stop. With no exceptions, always a sudden stop. They laugh and make a “nonsense” kind of gesture.

Give me a break
– Think you did a wrong turn there, haha. Naaw, come on, give me a break. You had to get the numbers confused somewhere.
– That’s just impossible. It’s not making any sense! I couldn’t even imagine. Nothing in society works if.. if.. Gasoline would cost eight dollars a gallon, stupid.
–  Ridiculous, they say, strongly convinced that that crazy number doesn’t exist.
–  Every time!


Impossible to communicate the price
Gasoline costs 3,50 dollars a gallon in USA.
In the beginning I thought I counted wrong because of the responses of absurdity.
– Not a chance in hell, they said when I reached the conclusion that gas cost ten dollars and fifty cents for one gallon in Sweden. There’s so much that can get lost in translation they politely respond, gallons and liters and crowns and dollars.
And then we talk about something else. It’s just not possible to continue.

alaskaMet an American woman two days ago.
– The price on gas here in USA is ridiculous, she said. We’ve got Alaska which is filled with oil. The entire Mexican Gulf is filled with oil. We’ve got a huge oil reserve and still, they are robbing us blind. They’re all crooks and bandits. And what do the politicians do about it? Charter jets for their dogs! An entire jet for a dog meanwhile we’re fetching pennies from the cookie jar to pay for gas.
– Swedish readers:  You get that there’s no pulling out the Swedish card in that conversation. She wouldn’t be susceptible to the Swedish situation at that point.

canada oilA guy from Canada said at one point.
– There’s so much monkey business going on i Canada when it comes to the oil price. It used to be, people got all riled up when they increased the price per gallon with 5 cents. We have now been forced to convert into the metric system. Nowadays the price increase with 5 cents per liter and people don’t get that it’s four times as big of an increase.
– I’m in the oil business myself, he said and we make loads of money but it’s really rotten of the country to bend the people’s arms like that.
– How terrible, I’m mumbling with caution, knowing I can’t tell him about Sweden.

Pick up the phone
Best Barack. Call Freddie right this moment before he goes to bed.
– Free us, not from wrongful calculation, but from wrongful thinking.
At one point Rockefeller owned more money than the American defense department. He lost his hair and aged prematurely. This is to many a proof off madness and foul play that the start of the oiling business was the life and future of millions was shattered.

Swedish taxmen are playing in a different league than Rockefeller.
– Eehh, Barack. In Sweden the gas also cost five crowns a liter. It’s not more expensive over here but the Swedish government jacks it up three times for the Swede’s. Government brings this on its own people! Foggy madness and foul play from the taxmen.
fogdarThat’s where Standard Oil and John. D Rockefeller gets beat. That’s where Canada gets crushed. Hard ass Vikings in Birka draw their swords, the people crouch and no TV-show are picking this up from our “independent” PBS. Government election is coming up in a couple of weeks and for the one that wants gas for five crowns a liter there is no party to vote for. No party. Not one person. Nothing. -!!!

-Ohh Bama –  I know you have stuff on your agenda like saving Christians in northern Iraq. The world is frightened and nobody does anything but you who are stopping those crazy Mohammed’s which this time wears the team shirt of Isis on the one side of the mountain and you kindly drop food on the other side to the thousands of Christians trying to escape.
– You will get no cred for that on Swedish Television. It’s more mentioned in passing with same emphasis as the clean-up crew gets for cleaning up after summer festival Storsjoyran.


With the mountain as parting of water America is executing another mission of Biblical measures while Swedish, sandal-wearing autistic’s saunters to the green house to check up on this year’s crop of cucumber.

The fact that America once again sacrifice their 25-year olds to protect them who nothing have is broadcasted with such deliberate indifference in Swedish Television that it passes by us left winged news consumers like the price on dill. 

– But there’re still some left that think for themselves.


– Best Barack, call Fredde concerning the price on gasoline on 046-8-405 36 05.
– Little Sweden needs to get a wider perspective and greater understanding. We can start with the price on gas.

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2 thoughts on “Obama – Call Sweden

  1. Bra, men energiminister Anna Karin Hatt skulle fixa lagom pris på soppan ,morsning vilken blåsning,kan ingen jävel ge dom luften,har väl aldrig sett ett värre rövarband,nu får vi försöka få dom där att sluta stöka ,annars få dom att tjacka spikskor och listigt smita ut bakvägen…

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