What’s this?

Worldkustom needs help


This picture is taken in the north of Sweden around 1937.
Question is: Is this a home made pickup or . . .  ?
What brand ?
What year ?

Click on picture to make it bigger
Any ideas ?
Please leave a comment.

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4 thoughts on “What’s this?

  1. Kul bild. Det ser faktiskt lite hembygd och skulle kunna vara en Chevrolet. Tänkte på Adler men det är mindre troligt. Farfar Alfred hade en..

    1. Ohh, your granpa Alfred had a similar. Do you have a picture?

      I’ve heard that Knut Forsgren had an old Ford he had to back up the hills when he drove from Örnsköldsvik to Ullånger as a young kid.
      – The Ford was stronger reversing.

      I was also told that when hauling coal (koks in Swedish) they loaded up so much on the truck that it stalled half way up the hilly mountains. They did it on purpose to get as much as they could before leaving.

      They then had to unload a couple of sacks, drive the Ford up to the top and go down to carry the sacks up the hill and load it again.

      They we’re giants those oldtimers.

  2. Min känsla är att det är en ombyggd fyrdörrars Chevrolet Master från 1934 eller 35….


  3. There you go. We have a lift off. So it leans over to Chevrolet. Two out of two thinks it’s a Chevy. If it’s a 34-35 and the pic was taken around 37 they put the torch on a new car! Imagine that.

    I´m happy . Let’s welcome some more thoughts.

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