World of Classics Museum and sales opens in Sweden

Worldkustom is the first magazine out to show Leif-Ivan Karlsson’s knockout museum up on that worldwide. Welcome to the World of Classics Museums and Sales in Stockholm Sweden.


04Eight months ago, in September 2014, Leif-Ivan Karlsson took the decision to build a car museum with all the cars he dreamed of since his teens. Unfortunately, he didn’t dream of Taunus, VW and SAAB 99.

Leif Ivan is an old greaser and car guy that have not changed over the years. Youth Love Susanne he holds tight as his taste for big American cars.

He liked the Chrysler 300C.  Chrysler 300C was when it came in 1957 a full size muscle car carrying a crazy amount of horsepower. Those who went VW that year were happy with 34 horses. Anyone who bought a Chrysler 300C got more than ten times of this power.

Few cars were made of the exclusive models. Few could own one. The remaning cars are extremely rare. Leif-Ivan bought a Chrysler 300C for his museum and for safety’s sake he gained the others also. Chrysler C, D, E, F, G, H and J can be viewed in a row plus a few other variations on the topic as a station wagon all in mint condition. 03And so he liked the Cadillac Eldorado 1959 and that dream car from  Buick in 1953, the  DeSotos and I think you get the view here.05

06Hang with Worldkustom for a tour.
 The walls are going in fifties colors with reddish-gray carpeting on the floor lit by a hundred crystal chandeliers.


From the walls glow a hundred  neon signs. The museum has three floors. The first two have 10,000 square feet of exhibition space.

A black Cadillac from 1959 dominates first floor. At a closer look, it turns out that it is for sale
-Yes, I thought it would be fun for the visitors to also be able to buy if they see something they fall in love with, says Leif-Ivan


An incomprehensible landscape
A bit up the stairwell music seeps down from the third floor  banquet hall of 7000 square feet.

It has room for a hundred seated guests, large dance floor, large stage and a giant breakfast bar, pinball collection and. . . just then and there, I get hit by  the second floor right in the face.

08We have been climbing the  stairway to heaven. Everything stops. A stunning landscape of dream cars settles for your feet with every step you take up to level two.

Leif-Ivan is talking on but I hear nothing.

I stand paralyzed and feel the cars. Before me stands the most beautiful models produced in America ever.

The same to the  right, to the left and I know that behind me are several. A surreal experience.  09

The Muscle Car Museum and the Corvette Museum and Ford Museum in the United States in all its glory, but here I am surrounded by the Swedish tradition of  the big unreachable American dream cars, all in perfect, mint condition.  Swedes have always loved the real irons. The full size fifties and sixties. When Americans go for Chevelle and GTO we pick Impala and Bonneville.  And here they are at a level that stuns and it is easily the best I’ve seen.

1010 billion.
I want to sink to the floor, sit, no, lie down. No I want to move in here and never go out.

After a few minutes I hear a familiar voice fading in . It is Karlsson babbeling on. Wondering how much I missed, I come to senses and  continue to taking notes.


– I had a budget of 8 billion dollars, says the man who still have cars on the Atlantic coming in from the United States.
It will perhaps reach 10 billion but that’s cool hey!!  You have to  look at the  1958 Pontiac with buckets and tri-power, he says happily.
I put down my note pad. This is not to write about. It must be experienced.  14



30Roger Andreassen, A-Meck in Uppsala, originally from Kiruna, came with 30 feet 1958 Buick Limited molding and screwed it to the bar counter.

A-Meck in Uppsala has developed various roll tool to recreate elusive moldings. Delicious!

17A coffee and cinnamon bun here sustains life.15

Open for everybody.

The opening hours are addressed to individuals and  group travels as club outings, friends, societies, associations and corporate events. Details can be found on the museum website.  

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12 thoughts on “World of Classics Museum and sales opens in Sweden

  1. Address

    Finkmossvägen 150
    147 34 Tumba


    08-530 200 91


    Öppettider World of Classics

    Vardag: 11-18
    Lörd: 11-15
    Sönd: Stängt

    Entré till Museum: Vuxen 100kr Barn 50kr

    sällskap/ motorföreningar /klubbar mm

  2. Coolt /ställe, mer rocken roll väst/Du
    lever när man lever!/man har bara en chans!!/Ta för dig.

  3. I was wondering…I sold my yellow with black interior 1965 Pontiac Bonneville convertible back in the 1980’s to a man wearing clogs. I believe his first name was Lars. My husband and I lived in Riverside CA at the time and we were moving to Washington state. He told me my car was going to a car collector in Sweden that would take good care of her. My license plate was MYBONNIE. I have always wondered where my car landed. Is it possible that my car is in this museum? Would love to know! One of my biggest regrets! I miss her! If she’s there, I’d visit!

  4. Hello
    I am in the US.Have a 1954 Cadillac Coupe De ville here in Connecticut. Real nice car Black over Apollo Gold. New body,paint,
    rebuilt engine and transmission plus new interior with SMS material just a nice car won 3rd place Cadillac Nationals 2013 Boston. Selling now as i do not have room for it . Asking $54,000. Don’t want to bring to Hershey have other projects.

    Pictures on request. Cell 203-870-5248 email

    Thank You Gary DellaVecchio

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