Jezewski, Wells, Krantz and Swedish rock in the USA

The phone rang in Florida. It was Christer Bergman, Peter Jezewskis guitarist. -And yes, Robert Wells wondered if he also got to be in the band? by Lars-Åke Krantz. Free translation by Stefan Blautzik.

This is the story of a behavior that does not exist. Which can not be bought. You can’t book tickets for. A unplanned, impossible gig. Nevertheless …


Peter Jezewski needs no introduction for us who grew up with rock and roll and DooWop but Worldkustom has tens of thousands young readers and nearly ten thousand American readers who most likely have no clue who I’m talking about.

Peter has one of Sweden’s best 50’s and 60’s  Rock N Roll voices. His voice pure, intonated and tidy live as on records. After being the Star in “The Boppers” he went on a solo career and is now playing to sold out concert halls throughout the spring and autumn in its nostalgic Be-Bop-A-luba show with his twelv man band .tiki01Peter swung into Worldkustoms Florida headquarters. With him came his guitarist Christer Bergman. After jamming poolside Peter and Chris wanted to play live.FB3Krantz & Krantz has played in the US before. When Peter and Chris asked me where to play live around Cape Coral I took them to the best Music scene around town.They came without their gear but Peter always comes prepared with his voice.25-Yeah, But we have booked bands already, except in the morning but the place will be dead at that time. 

“We’ll take it”, said Krantz!
I took them to the “Tiki Hut”. On this early day in particular they had a booming sound system ready for later on and all the lights were ready for a crowd. Amazing jog of The Tiki Hut and the band Rockers who came with their gear.


Robert Wells och Gottfrid Krantz

Meanwhile, Peter has gone to his friends Maria and Robert Wells. Peter talks about the possible imminent gig recruiting their help.
-It Sounds like fun, says the world-touring super pianist and so will the improbable phone call to Krantz.
Robert wants to hang on. Is it cool?


Bengan Nilsson, who runs Nostagiimporten live in Cape Coral in winters and is the spider in the web among the Swedes. Krantz calling him to spread the word. The Tiki Hut’s phones light up, Hotel rooms fully booked, Tables filled and people from all sides of Florida pack their bags and flock to the show.

When the clock hits 6 the Tiki Bar’s packed. Expectations high in a room electrified with excitement. I spot a former retired Sony scout front row glued to the empty stage. Everyone looking for Peter and Robert.

27The clock now hits 7 and Peter and Chris take on the audience. Rocking the walls off the Tiki Bar they leave me and my band “Krantz and Krantz” one hell of an act to follow. We played for an hour and at 9 the audience is standing waiting for the famed pianist Robert to take the stage.


It’s open wall sides in the pub have people spilling into the parking lot rocking along with the bar as Robert rocks the piano like non other.


Peter with him, steps away from the the massive Amps and powers some crazy bass with every strum of his bass guitar.


Christer follows it up with some face melting riffs as Maria sings her way down Route 66 in a world class performance.

18Controlled with all the pianos 88 keys, electrifying Guitar, bombing bass. American’s got rocking to the rare occasion of Swede’s taking the stage American style.


-My guitar long forgotten as I caught the moment picture after picture.





Maria Wells comes off the stage and looks at me and I just say  “Goosebumps” with a smile of a unforgettable unplanned show.


We Rocked that place till we set fire to the amps..


tiki02As we walk out we spot the owner
– How we do?
Awesome, but next time I’m charging and lets get you guys in the loop.

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