Crescent 2000 moped. A piece of the fifties.

SWEDEN. The sun had wandered across the sky and this evening’s horizontal strings of light turned the subtle foliage into a sparkling firework in chlorophyll green and deep black. The breeze wind constantly kept the leaf and colors afloat, changing from green to black. The only durable thing was the red moped…  by Lars Krantz. Translation Ellen Kay Krantz.


Beautiful front wheel with sculptured screen, bottom link and drum brake.

– Grandfather had one of those.
The words came from Kent Nordin in Gnarp. A real ball of energy and collector as changeable as the flowing foliage, always on the lookout for the next thing and always busy with new projects and renovations. We were standing in his yard, containing of two big houses, storage barracks and in the middle a neatly graveled courtyard with green lawns divided by pass ways in natural stone, all well planned and well groomed.


A short ride around the yard in slippers and a cap makes the day complete.

Over the hedge the slim asphalt serpentine all the way down to the gas station and very seldom saw any traffic. He removed his sun glasses and pointed with the frame.
– The color is called Christmas red. Don’t ask me why, he said.


We came with the intention to photograph Kent’s Swedish sold Dodge Lancer from 1962. Three hours passed and we were still on sight.

We came with the intention to photograph his Swedish sold American car, a Dodge Lancer from 1962 with three owners. A car that had never left Gnarp but that was three hours ago.


Kent the Collector Nordin had a big heart towards so much. A preserver of culture.

The bundle of energy with the intense eyes had brought us on a journey in buildings, floors, water driven flax preparation plants and vinyl collections that made us praise the endless picture memory storage of the digital camera. If this had been the good old days we would have run out of film.


Kent pushed it into second gear and the smile widened.

He winds the pedal up to kick mode and fired up Christmas Red. He made a u-turn in slippers on the asphalt and managed to second gear it on the way back, all the while smiling with his entire being.
-I found it on Blocket (Swedens Cragislist) , he said with the motor running.


The guide shaft went through the tank where also the headlight was integrated. The light then didn’t follow the movement of steering. The model was called “moon rocket” by the public. 12 000 of them were annually manufactured.

Kent Nordin had answered to the ad and it turned out the moped was only 18 miles away. Used to taking fast decisions after an entire life of swap meets and auctions he knew that there was to time like the present.


The fifties on two wheels. Crescent 2000 from 1956. Designed by Björn Karlström driven by a two geared Sachs motor. Kent painted it Christmas red. “Grandfather had one just like it”.

A Crescent 2000 on Blocket (Craigslist)  wouldn’t stay there for long. He released the clutch and stopped the engine. A cat emerged from the bushes, bended in a stretching movement and sniffed the chain tensioner.

– It was a restoration I started, he continued. They started fixing up one thing here and there.


– The grandchildren get to take their pick when they visit. A fraction part of all the mopeds.

He wiggled of the seat, took a few determined steps and opened another space and 20 something mopeds showed themselves.
– It’s so much fun getting them to run properly so I dissemble them and replace everything that is not up to par, he said.


The slipstreamed cool Sachs from 1956 got mostly new parts after Kent dissembled it. A gash in the piston and adjustable nozzle was almost standard on these. The pedals was gone in 1960 -61.

The Crescent got mostly new engine parts and a new rear gear.
-A small gash in the piston and an adjustable nozzle was easy to fix.


A ravishing moped with a rear molded in aluminum and pull starter. The rare, blue, beauty is a Fram.

He lifted his cap in the backlight and wiped some sweat of his forehead with the back of his hand.
– The restorations I do are to everyday use condition. When the grandkids visit they can pick and choose whichever they want to drive around with, he said and started a blue creation with a pull starter in dim lighting.

We looked at the time and were about to leave for the tenth time this evening when he suddenly asked:
– Maybe you would like to see my collection of old pinball- and gaming machines?
We did.

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3 thoughts on “Crescent 2000 moped. A piece of the fifties.

  1. Hej. Kul med den röda mopeden som för övrigt är en pärla. Hade en när jag var 14 år (nu 69), en grön/blå. Gick som ett spjut. Slet dock av både växel och kopplingsvajer. Ansträngde mig inte för att hitta nya utan körde ändå. Ettans växel sparkades i med hälen,med full gas. Så länge det var full gas så låg ettan i. För att få i tvåan så släppte man bara av på gasen då hoppade tvåan i. En förenklad version av automat, men var nog inte snällt mot motorn. Mins inte var jag gjorde av den, men i byn där jag bodde hamnade de flesta motorfordon, som slutade att fungera, på en soptipp. Jag bidrog med två bilar en motorcykel och minst en moped. Har varit där på senare tid och tittat, men man har gömt tippen med stora stenar. Det sticker fram lite här och där av någon oidentifierbar plåt. Har lust att göra en utgrävning.

  2. Hej!
    Vi har precis satt igång att efterlysa Crescent 2000 av årsmodell 1956 i ett försök att se hur många det finns kvar.
    Har två stycken och vill gärna komma i kontakt med ägare till andra 56:or för dokumentation av ramnummer.
    Mvh David

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