Pics from a Swedish backyard

Jarmo Rahkonen in Osterbybruk has been the owner of a junk yard for many years. One of his specialties is picking up cars on the strangest places. In his work he sees lots of cars far from the highways and isn’t easily surprised. But this, this he never expected. By Lars Krantz. Translation Ellen Kay Krantz.


Jarmo sees backyards and abandoned groves with junk every day but this even made him jump in his seat.


– Could you come over and pick some cars up from my back yard? It was early morning. Jarmo fixated the phone between ear and shoulder. He had just arrived to work and was opening yesterday’s mail.

jj126 – Sure, no problem, he answered and pressed junk mail and into the overfilled bin under the desk. – How many are there, he asked. – You better come check it out first, the voice replied. jj116

Said and done. Jarmo took the Chevy and headed for the well known area. He hadn’t been to the specific address but he knew in what neighborhood it was in. What he saw when he got there blew his mind.


It got him to immediately return and switch to image reporter mode. It made him get another outlook on life. He wanted to save and preserve the present. – I have seen a lot, but this beats everything!!, Jarmo said.


The digital camera got loaded with megabytes and milliampere and he rushed back in a hurry in the Chevy to that address.

jj071There time was spent, witnessing the untouched. Amongst silent giants from the past a scrap dealer carefully caught their dignity, their soul, their history for the future. –  A study in culture preservation.


For those of you who wonder if there is anything left: There isn’t. Jarmo is a big car enthusiast, music enthusiast and nostalgia enthusiast but he has a job to do; Too see to it that the yard gets emptied out.


Thanks to the enthusiast in him he sacrificed a day on documentation. THANKYOU JARMO for magical photos and highly skilled photographing.

Lars Krantz


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7 thoughts on “Pics from a Swedish backyard

  1. Oj oj oj. Jag hade gärna fått vara med en dag och sågat igen bra-å-ha till åtskilliga custom byggen!

  2. Jag var på gång att rädda en Dodge Coronet 53:a därifrån med V8 241 Red Ram motor. Tyvärr var det för långt att åka då för mej och hade inte riktigt möjlighet till transport av vraket. Det fanns säkert några bilar där som fortfarande gick att göra i ordning. Synd att det inte blev för det var en kostnadsfråga också……..Hade vart kul att rädda något alla fall :)

  3. Så jävla synd man inte fick vara med där å köpa lite guld mycket fräna custom delar där! Ingo

  4. Worldkustom har nu besökt Jarmos bilskrot. Killem har en fantastisk känsla i det han gör.

    Delar har han också. Gamla fina. Plus mycket annat sevärt. Reportage kommer.

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