Swede Lennart Forsvik 76 goes dragracing on Isle Of Man in England.

SWEDEN. What do you know when you wake up? Little did I know that I would meet Wild Lennart at  Gulf in Harnosand out on his 2000 – mile trip.


– Oh, I’ve been there seventeen times says the former truck driver  who does 150 sit-ups every day and is on the road in the camper to Laxå for the first part.
-In Laxa I park the motorhome and then it will be MC and backpack. Nothing else.


Lennart exudes power and elegance. Tall, slender with a friendly smile.

I sit out in the sun and sipping coffee when he sits down at the same table.

-Härnösand, He says hesitantly.  I  came here one day from the great North Norrland forest area in 1944.

– You know it was like  …




It was like coming to New York for us!

We would find an address and none in the rest of the family was talkative.

They sent me in to the Taxi station  in Harnosand, a five year old !!

After ten minutes I came out with a man in the companion who took his taxi and went before us all the way.
– It cost nothing I remember


After a life along the roads he has trouble sitting still. His beloved wife Margit, rode with him  200.000 miles on the motorcycle but can not follow anymore.


-After 50 years of marriage  she does not recognize me, says Lennart without a tremble in his voice.


Not even strong man Lennart can beat his wifes Alzhemiers.

– A knock out  beautiful woman who is my everything then and now, he says. Now I go by myself. You have to keep living. Lennart4The new is to go with a light pack. Just a man and his motorbike. He has practiced. Driving long day trips with just a backpack and a bottle of water to see if he can take it. He bicycles  too. 300 miles last summer. 50.000  miles on a  Hayabusa he did latest. A monster but now he has acquired a lighter bike,  600cc.Lennart 10

-You may not be stupid. I go 80 years soon. A lighter bike is just fine for me. He lives 400 yards after the start of the Isle of Man track of an old friend.


-But you kind’a run fast as well, I ask.

– Yeahnowell, he says, looking down the coffee cup.

Blame the bike.


It makes 80 on first gear , then I throw it into second, and it’s over somewhere after 130 miles/h. I was fifth in drag racing over 201 meters. The bike is what it is.


Huh !! First, he drives the motor home with a trailer 700 miles.

Then he jumps on the  MC with backpack and a map on the tank  as well, boating and saddles over to left hand traffic  through half of England.

There he lives on the track and compete in 130 m/h , do 150 situps and go back and gives his beloved Margit a kiss on the cheek.

– Lennart Forsvik. What a guy !!







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